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Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Einladug zur Abibac-Veranstaltung
26 Oct 2021

Enhance sustainabilty & foster excellence

This was the motto for this year’s Annual General Meeting of the German School Association Toulouse which took place 14th October 2021.

Marcella Hoffmann, Head of Transformation & Services at Airbus and patron of the DST, reiterated its importance at the beginning of the assembly:
“Tomorrow’s organisations need to be more digital and flexible than today – in order to positively face new challenges and changing demands of customers and, of course, to ensure business continuity. Organisations will have to continue to invest in the future, like Airbus does with green flying. Schools, such as the DST, will also have to adapt their educational offering. And this will require additional financial resources”… “It is our wish and goal to future-proof the German School Toulouse! The mix of more than 20 student nationalities and their integration within the DST is something special whilst at the same time a (welcome) challenge.”

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Jahreshauptversammlung 2021

A sense of drive and optimism against the backdrop of complex structural challenges and a global health crisis
Ulf Zimdahl, Chairman of the Board, was positive about the future despite the great challenges in the school’s new strategic and structural set-up. Together, the school community must face up to the responsibility and nurture a spirit of solidarity: “The Board of Directors and the Headmaster clearly see themselves as the unit steering the ship towards a safe and successful future; however, this can only continue to succeed in a combined effort and together with the entire staff.”

Newly formed board team
Birgit Ponnath, deputy chairperson of the board, and Philippe Telle were re-elected. New members to the board are Artur Köpp, Klara Wittkowski and Alexandre Zisa (bios under “school association“).