Do you want to speak German?


Wednesday Language School for children at the German School Toulouse

Welcome to EMIL !

At EMIL, children between the ages of 3 and 12 can learn or improve their German – in dedicated language courses outside the regular school schedule at the German School Toulouse.

We aim to make the German language and culture accessible for beginners. We approach this in many ways, for instance, through playing, singing, and talking. In addition, we use appealing teaching materials.

Children who already know German can deepen their knowledge in the advanced course.

Affiche Deutsche Schule Toulouse, EMIL - Ecole du mercredi

Course 1

This course is for children between 3 and 5 who do not yet speak German.

It is based on the textbook “Deutsch mit Hans Hase.” (German with Hans Bunny)

The teacher works playfully with the children, who acquire a basic vocabulary and are encouraged to use it.

Course 2

This course is for children between 6 and 11 who do not yet speak German.

It is based on the textbook “Planetino 1”.

The aim is to learn the basics of the German language playfully.

The prerequisite is that the child can read and write.

Course 3

This course is based on the textbook “Planetino 2”.

It aims to deepen the knowledge of German grammar and spelling and make progress in reading.

The child must be able to read and write.

At the beginning of the course, we might arrange an assessment test to tailor the course to the individual needs of the participants.


For more information about our courses, we are happy to assist you. You can reach us by phone or via email. We look forward to your inquiry!

Telephone : +33 (0) 5 67 73 29 04
E-Mail :


General information

Deutsche Schule Toulouse
Eurocampus 2
2 Allée de l’Herbaudière
31770 Colomiers