Neuigkeiten | Nouvelles

7 Sep 2022

EMIL – Our Wednesday Language School about to start again!

On October 5th, our German courses for children for beginners and advanced learners will start again on Wednesday afternoons. There are still some places available and you can register your child until Saturday, September 24.
At EMIL, children between the ages of 3 and 12 can learn or improve their German – in dedicated language courses outside the regular school schedule at the German School Toulouse.

We aim to make the German language and culture accessible for beginners. We approach this in many ways, for instance, through playing, singing, and talking. In addition, we use appealing teaching materials.

Children who already know German can deepen their knowledge in the advanced course.

You can find more information and the enrollment form at Emil Language School or at 05 67 73 29 04.