Neuigkeiten | Nouvelles

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, ehemaliger Schüler
5 Oct 2022

CSR-Course: German School in Toulouse pupils tour their canteen

As part of their CSR course, pupils in the 6th grade went behind the scenes of their canteen to discover how a ‘big kitchen’ works.

The visit was organised by Mrs Martin, who teaches at the Ecole Allemande de Toulouse, and led by head cook Mr Jonathan Guibert. The pupils were particularly surprised by the size of the mixers, the plates and hygiene rules, which meant they had to wear the traditional ‘charlotte’ hair covering, overshoes and disposable overalls.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Besuch der Schulkantine

The visits to the cold room at -18°C and the bin storage area were particularly memorable – everyone was shocked at the quantity of organic waste thrown away each day! However, the end goal was achieved: knowing the conditions in which food is prepared should help the pupils behave more responsibly towards the meals served and the staff cooking them.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Besuch der Schulkantine

A big thank you to Mr Guibert for opening their eyes – and mouths.