Neuigkeiten | Nouvelles

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Autor steht vor Kindergruppe
12 Feb 2025

The Mystery of writing- Jürgen Banscherus at the German School of Toulouse

No matter how big or small, everyone was excited by the visit of author Jürgen Banscherus.
“Rache ist Schokotorte” (in English, “Revenge is Chocolate Cake”) was what the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students heard about on Thursday, February 7th.
During the reading, German author Jürgen Banscherus read from one of his books in the Kommissar Kwiatkowski crime series. The students were invited to play detectives themselves, guessing how Kwiatkowski might solve the case. After the reading, the students asked the author questions about his writing, such as how many books he had written and which one was his first. A particularly attentive listener had the chance to win a book during a quiz at the end.

In the afternoon, the author visited grades 7, 8, and 9, where he read from his book Novemberschnee, in which 15-year-old Nina and her friends Juri and Tom become involved in a bank robbery with tragic consequences. The questions the author answered afterward focused on the creative process of building tension in a story, selecting names, and developing characters.

Jürgen Banscherus’s first writing inspiration came from France, when the young writer fell in love with an exchange student from Dijon. This inspired him to write sad love poems. He has worked professionally as an author since turning 37, when he wrote his first book, Keine Hosenträger für Oya (in English, No Suspenders for Oya).

We sincerely thank Jürgen Banscherus for his visit.