Neuigkeiten | Nouvelles

20 May 2021

The Olympic Games at the DST

The Olympic Games are not only taking place in Japan this year, but also at the DST primary school. 15 countries took part in the Olympics. Among them were Kenya, Germany, Italy, China and of course France

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

All the athletes arrived at the competition venues in their sportswear so that they could start the first competitions at 8.15 a.m. The athletes competed in different disciplines.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

The athletes competed in a wide variety of disciplines. These included long jump, 80-metres run, rope jumping, long throw, but also sack races, football slalom, building paper towers or carrying mats.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

All athletes of one age group competed at the same time, and at the end the results of each country were compiled and evaluated.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

The award ceremony took place in the stadium (the schoolyard). There, all the athletes gathered to eagerly await the announcement of the results.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

First place went to Kenya, second place to China and third place to the USA.
All the athletes participated in the DST Olympics with great enthusiasm and it was a great experience for all.

At the end, there was a special medal for Mrs. Wettstein, who was in charge of the Olympic Committee.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse: Olympia DST Fotograf: Christina Claßen

Many thanks to all who made this day a special community experience.