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Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Comiczeichnerin Katharina Greve
22 Nov 2022

Speech Bubbles over Colomiers

Following an invitation from the German School, the Goethe-Institut of Toulouse and the city of Colomiers, German comic book author Katharina Greve travelled from Berlin to take part in the Colomiers Comic Book Festival, which ran from November 18 to 20..

It was a chance for our 10th, 11th and 12th-grade students to explore the life of the author, whose comics and political cartoons have been published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Neues Deutschland, Titanic and Das Magazin, and come up with their own text to fill empty speech bubbles

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Comiczeichnerin Katharina Greve

Katharina Greve not only publishes comics on the web but also books. “The building – 102 floors of life” is a prime example. It was created on the web and is now available in book form after publishing one floor per week for a year.
She tackles highly political topics but also everyday subjects, with targets ranging from politicians and the climate crisis to conspiracy theories. Her goal? “I don’t think I can change the world, but it is primarily a form of self-therapy that helps me face the world’s terrible challenges”, she said, adding: “I also hope to reach the general public”.

Workshop with 12th-grade students

The author quickly captures the core of an idea in a few clear lines. In a workshop set up for students of the German School, they were able to practice this by drawing themselves.

Deutsche Schule Toulouse, Comicfestival

During a second exercise, they had to imagine they were an alien who discovered Colomiers.
That session could have gone on much longer!